How Do You Market Your Dental Practice Location Online? 7 Tips

Written by Golden State Dentists
Last updated Mar 7, 2024
How do you market your dental practice location online?

In today's digital age, marketing your dental practice online has become increasingly essential for attracting new patients and retaining existing ones. So, how do you market your dental practice location online?

The Internet offers various strategies and platforms for dentists to reach their target audience effectively. This article will discuss some key aspects of marketing a dental practice online and the steps required to succeed in this competitive landscape.

To establish an effective online presence, dental practices must start by creating a professional and user-friendly website that serves as a hub for information about the practice and its services. In addition to a well-designed website, implementing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, engaging on social media platforms, and utilizing online advertising are all crucial elements of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Embracing these approaches enables dental practices to generate greater visibility, build trust with potential patients, and ultimately grow their client base.

Optimize Your Website

Tip number one of “How do you market your dental practice location online” deals with the dental practice website.

To market your dental practice's location effectively online, it is crucial to optimize your website. This section will discuss specific optimizations to ensure your site attracts potential patients and ranks well with search engines.

Mobile-Friendly Design

Most people now use mobile devices to search for services like dental practices.

A mobile-optimized website is now critical for marketing your dental practice. Your website should automatically adjust to different screen sizes for a seamless experience on various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Fast Loading Speed

Page loading speed is another essential factor that affects user experience and search engine rankings.

Slow-loading pages may cause potential patients to lose interest and look elsewhere. To improve your website's loading speed, get quality hosting, optimize images (no 8MB iPhone shots), reduce the number of plugins (if you use WordPress), and minify your code.

User-Friendly Navigation

Clear and straightforward navigation is crucial for a user-friendly website.

Make it easy for potential patients to explore and access all necessary information about your dental practice, including location, services offered, appointments, and contact details.

Utilize clear headings, intuitive menus, and well-organized content structure to create a positive user experience.

If your grandmother can use it easily, you have hit a home run.

Unique Content and Relevant Keywords

Creating unique and informative content can help you stand out and improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO) ranking.

Develop original content about your dental services, location, and expertise, and include relevant keywords to target local searches. If you are a dentist in Los Angeles, use Los Angeles references when you write.

Your website will appear more prominently when people search for dental practices in your area.


Tip #1: Optimize your website with a mobile-friendly design, fast loading speed, user-friendly navigation, and unique content.

Listing in Local Online Dentist Directories

Tip number two of “How do you market your dental practice location online” deals with local online directory listings.

Sample Local Online Directory Dentist Profile

An effective way to market your dental practice location online is to list your practice in local dentist directories.

Local dental directories help patients find the right dentist and increase your online presence. Ensuring that your dental practice's details are accurate and consistent across multiple directories can enhance your online visibility and drive more potential patients to your website.

Claiming and Updating Local Listings

Marketing your dental practice location online requires a pivotal focus on local listings.

Claiming and updating these listings improves the practice's visibility and helps potential patients find the right dentist. Most directories make it easy to claim your listing. Golden State Dentists even builds one out for you.


Google My Business

Google My Business (GMB) is a free and powerful tool that allows you to manage your dental practice's presence on Google search and maps.

By claiming and updating your GMB listing, you ensure that accurate information about your practice is displayed, including contact details, hours of operation, address, and photos. Moreover, regularly posting updates and events help keep patients informed and engaged.

The GMB platform also allows customers to leave reviews, essential in shaping your online reputation. Encourage patients to leave reviews and respond to them promptly to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.


Another vital local listing platform is Yelp, a widely-used review website where users can find and rate businesses.

Ensure that your dental practice has a claimed and updated Yelp page with accurate information, engaging photos, and links to your website.

Like with GMB, encourage patients to leave reviews and respond to them professionally to show appreciation for their feedback and address concerns when necessary.

Dental Directories

Being listed on dental-specific directories can increase your practice's visibility and credibility.

Online dental directories, such as local directory listings, connect patients to dentists in their area based on their dental needs, location, and preferences. Ensure that your practice is included in directories with up-to-date information, including your services, photos, and contact information.

These directories offer additional exposure, enabling more potential patients to discover your practice.


Tip #2: Leverage local online dentists directories focused on your niche and your local area. Sign up for them all and keep all of your information up to date.

Online Advertising

Tip number three of “How do you market your dental practice location online” focuses on online advertising.

Online advertising can be essential to marketing your dental practice location online, but you must closely monitor ad spend and ROI (return on investment).

You can increase your practice's visibility and reach potential patients through various channels and techniques.

Exploring different online advertising approaches is crucial to promote your dental practice effectively (and watch the ad spend).

Google Ads

One such technique is using Google Ads, which allows you to create customized ads on Google's search engine results pages (SERPs) and other properties that monetize using Google Adsense.

By targeting relevant keywords, you can ensure that your ads are seen by users explicitly searching for dental services in your area.

Google Ads also offers features like ad scheduling, bid adjustments, and conversion tracking, which aids in optimizing your ad performance and ROI.

IMPORTANT NOTE: CPC (Cost Per Click) is very high in competitive professional fields such as dentistry, so you must watch ad spending (yes, we know we said it three times in this section).

Facebook Advertising

Another powerful platform for online advertising is Facebook Advertising.

Facebook Ads provide various targeting options, such as demographic and geographic filters, interests, and behavior, to reach your desired audience.

Creating visually engaging ads and promoting special offers, events, or educational content can help attract potential patients, boost brand awareness, and increase website traffic.


Tip #3: Online advertising like Google Ads and Facebook Ads are an option for marketing your dental practice location online, but you need to watch your ad spend. (We said it four times.)


Tip number four of “How do you market your dental practice location online” focuses on geo-targeting.

Geo-targeting is a type of marketing that uses location intelligence to reach the right customer at the right time and is an extension of Local SEO. Geo-Targeting plays a crucial role in marketing your dental practice location online.

Utilizing location-based services like Google My Business and other local online dentist directories (like Golden State Dentists) can help patients find the right dentist nearby. Ensuring your practice has consistent information, such as contact details and operating hours, in these directories and online platforms helps improve your online presence and search rankings.

Here is an example of a geo-targeted location search result in Golden State Dentists.

Examples of additional information that can be put into a profile in Golden State Dentists.

The directory uses the searcher's location data (if they allow it) to deliver search results near their location while searching. (This is just a sample profile in this example).

Tip #4: Geo-targeting gives just-in-time information to patients searching for a dentist. Break a crown on vacation? A patient picks up the phone, and geo-targeted results are provided to the nearest dentist.

Social Media Marketing

Tip number five of “How do you market your dental practice location online” focuses on social media marketing.

Social media marketing is an effective way to market your dental practice location online. By leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, you can increase your practice's online presence, connect with potential patients, and showcase your services.

Facebook Page

Establishing a Facebook Page for your dental practice is essential, allowing you to reach a broader audience and engage with prospective patients.

Critical Facebook Page components include office hours, location, and contact details. You can also post updates about your practice, such as newly available treatments or promotions, to keep patients informed and interested.


For visual impact, create an Instagram account to showcase images of your dental team, before-and-after photos from treatments, and events happening in the practice.

Instagram is an excellent platform to highlight your dental practice's human side and build a strong, relatable brand identity.


LinkedIn is another valuable platform to help your practice build professional connections and attract talent.

Create and maintain a company page, share news related to your practice, and join industry-related groups to increase your visibility and credibility in the dental field.

Engaging Content

Regardless of the social media platform, it is crucial to post engaging content.

Follow the 80/20 rule, where 80% of your posts are helpful or entertaining, and the remaining 20% promote your dental services. Attention-grabbing content ideas include sharing oral health tips, dental jokes, and patient success stories.

Tip #5: Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to promote your practice location online.

Online Reputation Management

Tip number six of “How do you market your dental practice location online” focuses on online reputation management.

Managing your dental practice's online reputation is vital to marketing your online location. This involves monitoring reviews, responding to feedback, and encouraging positive patient reviews.

Monitoring Reviews

Keep track of reviews on online platforms such as Google, Yelp, and local dentist directories.

These reviews can significantly influence potential patients' perceptions of your practice. Regularly checking these reviews can help you gauge public opinion, identify areas for improvement, and ensure the accuracy of the information presented.

Some services, such as RepuGen, can notify you of negative reviews so you can address them promptly.

Responding to Reviews

Responding to positive and negative reviews demonstrates your practice's commitment to patient satisfaction.

Thank your patients for their positive feedback, and address any negative comments by offering solutions to their concerns. Maintaining a professional and empathetic tone when handling negative reviews is essential.

This allows you to mitigate potential damage to your practice's reputation and shows that you care about your patients' experiences.

Encouraging Positive Reviews

Encouraging your patients to leave positive reviews can help build a strong online reputation for your dental practice.

Consider implementing automated post-appointment surveys to solicit feedback from your patients. These surveys are only visible to you and your staff, but they can provide valuable insights and encourage patients to share their positive experiences on public review platforms.

Tip #6: Manage your online reputation by monitoring and responding to reviews.

Email Marketing

Tip number seven of “How do you market your dental practice location online” focuses on email marketing.

Email marketing is an effective way to share information and interact with existing and potential patients.


A dental practice can leverage newsletters to keep patients informed about the latest happenings within the practice and industry news.

They can also share dental tips and important updates. Newsletters have the potential to create a strong bond between the dentist and their patients, leading to better retention rates and increased referrals.

Appointment Reminders

Another essential aspect of email marketing is sending appointment reminders.

They are crucial in reducing the number of missed appointments which can significantly impact a dental practice's bottom line.

By sending well-timed email reminders, a dental practice can ensure patients remember their appointments and keep their oral health in check.

Promotions and Contests

Engage and attract new patients with special promotions and contests via email marketing.

Create limited-time offers, exclusive discounts, or contests encouraging patients to book an appointment or refer a friend. This boosts patient acquisition and increases brand awareness within the community.

Tip #7: Reach out to patients via email with newsletters, special offers and appointment reminders.

How Do You Market Your Dental Practice Location Online? Final Thoughts.

How do you market your dental practice location online?

Effectively marketing your dental practice online requires a combination of strategies that cater to both local and online audiences. These strategies include maintaining an updated website, utilizing SEO best practices, and engaging in dental video marketing.

As a dental practice owner, participating in local online dentist directories is essential for reaching out to potential patients in your geographic area. These directories often provide detailed information about dental practices, making it easier for patients to find the right dentist who suits their needs.

Another important aspect of your online marketing campaign should involve establishing a strong presence on social media platforms. By sharing helpful and engaging content, you can attract prospective patients and foster closer relationships with your existing patient base.

Finally, combining online efforts with ground marketing activities in your local community will further solidify your practice's reputation and reach. Adopting a multi-faceted marketing approach ensures that your dental practice becomes an attractive option for patients seeking quality dental care.

Good luck!

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